
The music of Cipriano De Rore

Anchor che col partire

A. Type: Madrigaal
B. Number of voices: 4vv
C. Author of the text: Avalos, A (d')
Ct. Text: (with translation in Dutch English) : Read

Rore, Cypriaan (De) : Anchor che col partire -> contrafact Angelus ad pastores (Giovanni Battista Bovicelli)

E. To be found in the following score sources:

following: Bernstein, Jane A. (1998) :
- 1548 : {Bernstein} - 72 : 'Madrigali de la Fama a quattro voce'
- 1554 : {Bernstein} - 130 : 'Rore, Primo libro de madregali a quattro voci'
- 1568 : {Bernstein} - 306 : 'Galilei, Fronimo dialogo.'
- 1568 : {Bernstein} - 300 : 'Becchi, Libro primo d'intabulatura da leuto.'

following: Borren, Charles (van den) (1933-1934) :
- 1550-1600 : {Census} - BrusC 27089 : '{Census} - BrusC 27089'

following: CMME Project(The) - Dumitrescu (e.a.), Theodor :
- {Census} - ParisBNC 851 ("Bourdeney Manuscript") : '{Census} - ParisBNC 851 ("Bourdeney Manuscript")'

following: Huys, Bernard (1965) :
- 1563 : {Huys} - 377 : 'RORE (Cyprien de). Il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci, novamente ristampati.'
- 1583 : {Huys} - 338 : 'PHALESE (Pierre). Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII V. VI. et VII. Voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più excellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino.'
- 1584 : {RISM} - 1584_03 : 'Sesieme livre de chansons à quatre à cinq parties, d'Orlande de Lassus & autres.'

following: Huys, Bernard (1974) :
- 1588 : {Huys-S} - 245 : 'LINDNER (Frierdich). Gemma musicalis: selectissimas varii stili cantiones, vulgi Italis madrigali et napolitane dicuntur, quatuor, quinque, sex et plurium vocum continens: quae ex diversis praestantissimorum musicorum libellis, in Italia excusis, decerptae, & in gratiam utriusque musicae studiosorum, uni quasi corpori insertae & in lucem editae sunt, studio & opera Friderici Lindneri . . . Liber primus.'

following: Huys, Bernard (1965) :
- 1588 : {RISM} - 1588_16 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino.'
- 1591 : {Huys} - 252 : 'LIVRE. Sesieme livre de chansons à quatre & cinq parties, d'Orlande de Lassus.'
- 1591 : {RISM} - 1591_11 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino.'
- 1595 : {RISM} - 1595_04 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino.'
- 1606 : {RISM} - 1606_07 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino. Novamente ristampata.'
- 1614 : {RISM} - 1614_13 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino. Novamente ristampata.'
- 1623 : {RISM} - 1623_07 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino. Novamente ristampata.'
- 1634 : {RISM} - 1634_06 : 'Musica divina di XIX. autori illustri, a IIII. V. VI. et VII. voci, nuovamente raccolta da Pietro Phalesio, et data in luce. Nella quale si contengono i più eccellenti madrigali che hoggidi si cantino. Novamente ristampata.'

following: Lesure, F. - Thibault, G. (1955) :
- 1584 : {Lesure-Thibault} - 269 : 'Sesieme livre | de chansons | à quatre à cinq parties, | d'Orlande de Lassus | & autres.'

following: Lewis, Mary S. (1988) :
- 1547 : {Lewis_1} - 103 : 'CAMBIO. I° LIB. MADR A 4'
- 1548 : {Lewis_1} - 126 : 'MADRIGALI DE LA FAMA'

following: Lewis, Mary S. (1997) :
- 1551 : {Lewis_2} - 158 : 'RORE. I° LIBRO DE MADREGALI A 4'
- 1552 : {Lewis_2} - 174 : 'RORE. I° LIBRO DE MADRIGALI A 4'
- 1557 : {Lewis_2} - 230 : 'RORE. I° LIBRO DE MADRIGALI A 4'

following: Lewis, Mary S. (2005) :
- 1564 : {Lewis_3} - 341 : 'CANTO| (ALTO, TENORE|, BASSO) | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | a quattro Voci, Nouamente per Antonio Gardano con ogni diligentia Ristampato. | A QVATRO VOCI | In Venetia Appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1564'
- 1565 : {Lewis_3} - 360 : 'CANTO (ALTO, TENORE) | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO Dl MADRIGALI | a quatro Voci, Nouamente per Antonio Gardano con ogni diligentia Ristampato. | A QVATRO VOCI. | In Venetia appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1565.'
- 1569 : {Lewis_3} - 433 : 'CANTO (ALTO, TENORE, BASSO) | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | a quattro Voci, Nouamente per Antonio Gardano con ogni diligentia ristampato. | A QVATRO (pr mk) VOCI | In Venetia Appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1569'

following: Meier, Bernardus (1969) :
- 1547 : {RISM} - 1547_14 : 'Primo libro di madregali a quatro voci di Perissone Cambio con alcuni di Cipriano Rore novamente composti e posti in luce.'
- 1550 : {RISM} - R2500 (1550) : 'Il primo libro de madrigali a quatro voci.'

following: Vogel, Emil (1892 (2de uitg., 1977)) :
- 1550 : {Vogel} - 36 : '(1550) ALTVS | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI A QVATRO VOCI, | Dl M. CYPRIANO, DE RORE NOVAMENTE | POSTE IN LVCE | CON GRATIA (Drz) & PRIVILIEGIO (!) | Stampata In Ferrara, Per Giouanni de Buglhat, | Et Antonio Hucher Compagni | Nel Anno del Signor 1550.'
- 1551 : {Vogel} - 37 : '(1551) TENOR | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE| IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | A quatro Voci Nouamente dati In luce, & per Antonio | Gardane Con ogni diligentia Stampati. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | In Venetia Apresso di | Antonio Gardane. | 1551.'
- 1552 : {Vogel} - 38 : '(1552) CANTO | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADREGALI | A Quatro Voci Nouamente per Antonio Gardane | con ogni diligentia Ristampato. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | In Venetia Apresso di | Antonio Gardane. | 1552.'
- 1554 : {Vogel} - 40 : '(1554) TENOR | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | A quattro Voci Nouamente con ogni diligentia | Corretti & Ristampati, | (Drz) | Venetiis, apud Hieronymum Scotum. | MDLIIII.'
- 1557 : {Vogel} - 41 : '(1557) CANTVS | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADREGALI | a quatro Voci Nouamente per Antonio Gardano | Con ogni diligentia Ristampati. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | In Venetia Apresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1557.'
- 1563 : {Vogel} - 42 : '(1563) ALTO | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADREGALI | A QVATTRO VOCI NOVAMENTE RISTAMPATI. | A QVATTRO (Drz) VOCI | IN VENETIA, appresso Francesco Rampazetto.'
- 1564 : {Vogel} - 43 : '(1564) BASSO | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | a quattro Voci, Nouamente per Antonio Gardano con ogni diligentia ristampato. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | In Venetia Appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1564.'
- 1565 : {Vogel} - 44 : '(1565) CANTO Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO Dl MADRIGALI | a quatro Voci, Nouamente per Ant. Gardano con ogni diligentia Ristampato. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI. | In Venetia appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1565'
- 1569 : {Vogel} - 45 : '(1569) CANTO | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | a quattro Voci, Nouamente per Antonio Gardano con ogni diligentia ristampato. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI In Venetia Appresso di | Antonio Gardano. | 1569.'
- 1573 : {Vogel} - 46 : '(1573) TENORE | DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | il Primo Libro De' Madrigali a quattro voci, | NVOVAMENTE RISTAMPATI | ET CON OGNI | DILIGENZA CORRETTI. | (Drz) | IN VENETIA, M.D.LXXIII. | Appresso Giorgio Angelieri.'
- 1575 : {Vogel} - 47 : '(1575) CANTO| DI CIPRIANO DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | A quattro Voci, Nouamente con ogni diligentia ristampato. | A QVATRO (Drz) VOCI | In Venetia Appresso | Angelo Gardano. | 1575.'
- 1577 : {Vogel} - 54 : '(1577) TVTTI I MADRIGALI | DI CIPRIANO DI RORE | A QVATTRO VOCI, | SPARTITI ET ACCOMMODATI PER | sonar d'ogni sorte d'Instrumento perfetto, & per Qualunque studioso di Contrapunti (!). | Nouamente posti alle stampe. | (Drz) | In Venetia Apresso di Angelo Gardano. | 1577.'
- 1582 : {Vogel} - 48 : '(1582) CANTO | Dl CIPRIANO DE RORE | Il PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | A QVATRO VOCI, NOVAMlENTE | con Ogni diligcntia Ristampato. | (Drz) | In Venetia Appresso Angelo Gardano. | MDLXXXII.'
- 1590 : {Vogel} - 49 : '(1590) CANTO | Dl CIPRIANO | DE RORE | IL PRIMO LIBRO DE MADRIGALI | A Quattro Voci. | Nouamente ristampato. | (Drz) | IN VENETIA, Presso Giacomo Vincenti. | MDLXXXX.'

F. Modern score:

See 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol IV : Madrigali 3-8 vocum' : p.31

  • Contents of this volume of Meier
  • American Institute of Musicology : Uitgave De Rore (B. Meier)

    I. Incipit: M_4_31.jpg Source: 'Meier, Bernardus : Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia', American Institute of Musicology

    J. Discography:

    1 - ' 17th and 18th Century Chambermusic ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Pieter-Jan Belder, René Schiffer, Herman Stinders (Erasmus Producties)
    2 - ' A Modo Italiano ' : [Bewerking: Ercole Pasquini] , Javier Nunez (Cantus Records)
    3 - ' A Spagna in the Works: 16th century dances, divisions, and instrumental settings , Alison Crum, Roy Marks (Rise Recordings)
    4 - ' A Spagna in the Works: 16th century dances, divisions, and instrumental settings ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Alison Crum, Roy Marks (Rise Recordings)
    5 - ' A Spagna in the Works: 16th century dances, divisions, and instrumental settings ' : [Bewerking: Riccardo Rognoni] , Alison Crum, Roy Marks (Rise Recordings)
    6 - ' A Spagna in the Works: 16th century dances, divisions, and instrumental settings ' : [Bewerking: Riccardo Rognoni] , Alison Crum, Roy Marks (Rise Recordings)
    7 - ' Adam Woolf - Songs Without Words , Adam Woolf (sfz music)
    8 - ' Adriaenssen: Pratum Musicum / Love songs and dances ' : [following the tablature (lute)printed in 'Pratum Musicum', an edition byEmanuel Adriaenssen] (Sony Classical Vivarte)
    9 - ' Alfred Deller - Madrigal Masterpieces - Volume 2 (Vanguard Classics)
    10 - ' Along uncharted routes , Serikon, Daniel Stighäll (Footprint Records)
    11 - ' Amarcord - The Book of Madrigals , Amarcord (Raumklang)
    12 - ' Amarcord - The Book of Madrigals ' : [Orazio Vecchi: Anchor ch’al parturire (parody of Anchor che col partire)] , Amarcord (Accentus Music)
    13 - ' Amarilli mia bella ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Nico van der Meel, La Sfera Armoniosa (Zefir Records)
    14 - ' Amarilli mia bella ' : [Bewerking: Girolamo Dalla Casa] , Nico van der Meel, La Sfera Armoniosa (Zefir Records)
    15 - ' Amarilli mia bella ' : [Bewerking: Riccardo Rognoni] , Nico van der Meel, La Sfera Armoniosa (Zefir Records)
    16 - ' Amor, Fortuna e Morte (Profeti della Quinta) , Profeti della Quinta, Elam Rotem (Pan Classics)
    17 - ' Amori & sospiri ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , Anthonello, Yoshimichi Hamada (Symphonia)
    18 - ' Amours, Zéphyrs et Syrènes ' : [instrumental (in an arrangement of Girolamo dalla Casa)] , La Turbulente (Astrée)
    19 - ' Anchor che col partire - Diminutionen des 16. Jahrhunderts ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezon] , Flautando Köln (Ars Musici - WDR)
    20 - ' Anchor che col partire - Diminutionen des 16. Jahrhunderts ' : [diminution : Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558 – 1617?)] , Flautando Köln (Ars Musici - WDR)
    21 - ' Anchor che col partire - Diminutionen des 16. Jahrhunderts ' : [diminution : Riccardo Rognoni] , Flautando Köln (Ars Musici - WDR)
    22 - ' Anchor che col partire - Diminutionen des 16. Jahrhunderts ' : [intabulation : Andrea Gabrieli] , Flautando Köln (Ars Musici - WDR)
    23 - ' Ancient Music (Logos Foundation) ' : [modernistische bewerking] , Marcel Ketels, Sebastian Bradt (Logos Foundation)
    24 - ' Andrea Gabrieli - Giovanni Gabrieli: Intonationi, toccate, ricercari & canzone ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Christopher Stembridge (Sarx Records)
    25 - ' Andrea Gabrieli : Missa pater peccavi ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , His Majestys Consort of Voices, His Majestys Sagbutts and Cornetts, Timothy Roberts (Hyperion)
    26 - ' Andrea Gabrieli : Pass'e mezzo & altre musiche per tastiera ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Fabio Bonizzoni (Stradivarius Dulcimer)
    27 - ' Andrea Gabrieli : Per cantar e sonar , Coro della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana, Theatrum Instrumentorum, Stefano Innocenti (Victorie Music)
    28 - ' Andrea Gabrieli : Per cantar e sonar ' : [arrangement : Andrea Gabrieli] , Coro della Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana, Theatrum Instrumentorum, Stefano Innocenti (Victorie Music)
    29 - ' Andrea Gabrieli: Keyboard music ' : [Bewerking: A. Gabrieli] , Glen Wilson (Naxos)
    30 - ' Antico - Moderno - Renaissance Madrigals Embellished ' : [Arrangement: Doron Sherwin] , Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempé, Doron Sherwin, Julien Martin, Josh Cheatham (Paradizo)
    31 - ' Antico - Moderno - Renaissance Madrigals Embellished ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempé, Doron Sherwin, Julien Martin, Josh Cheatham (Paradizo)
    32 - ' Antico - Moderno - Renaissance Madrigals Embellished ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempé, Doron Sherwin, Julien Martin, Josh Cheatham (Paradizo)
    33 - ' Antico - Moderno - Renaissance Madrigals Embellished ' : [Original version of De Rore, performed on strings] , Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempé, Doron Sherwin, Julien Martin, Josh Cheatham (Paradizo)
    34 - ' Antonio de Cabezon: Musica para Organo , Hans Stehouwer (Eigen beheer)
    35 - ' Antonio de Cabezon: Obras de Musica ' : [Bewerking: Antonio de Cabezon] , Doulce Mémoire, Denis Raisin-Dadre (Ricercar)
    36 - ' Antonio de Cabezon: Tientos, Diferencias y Glosadas , Leon Berben (Aeolus)
    37 - ' Antonio de Cabezon: Works for organ (2 CDs) ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezon] , José L. Gonzalez Uriol (Motette)
    38 - ' Antonio, Juan and Hernando de Cabezon: Glosas ' : [Bewerking: Antonio de Cabezon] , Glen Wilson (Naxos)
    39 - ' Apoteosis - Viola Bastarda ' : [Bewerking: Riccardo Rogniono] , Divina Mysteria, Thor Jorgen (Vanitas)
    40 - ' Apoteosis - Viola Bastarda ' : [Bewerking: Riccardo Rogniono] , Divina Mysteria, Thor Jorgen (Vanitas)
    41 - ' Au temps de Titien: Andrea Gabrieli ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Ensemble Musicque de Joye, Ensemble Les Cours Européennes (SVO Art)
    42 - ' Baroque sonatas and canzonas ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Peter Hannan, Colin Tilney, Christel Thielmann (CBC Enterprises)
    43 - ' Baroque sonatas and canzonas ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Peter Hannan, Colin Tilney, Christel Thielmann (CBC Enterprises)
    44 - ' Bassano - Rogniono - Rore - Selva - Scarlatti - Bach ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Trio Barroco Abreu, Abraham Abreu, Aldo Abreu, Mirien Abreu (Vitali. Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela)
    45 - ' Buenos Aires Madrigals - Argentine Tangos and Italian Madrigals ' : [improvisation : G. Rivano] , La Chimera, Furio Zanasi, Ximena Biondo (M.A. Recordings Early Fusion)
    46 - ' Cabezòn: Canto a mi Caballero (L'art de la transcription) ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)] , Skip Sempé, Capriccio Stravagante (Astrée)
    47 - ' Cabezòn: Glosados, Diferencias, Tientos ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)] , Trio Unda Maris (La mà de guido)
    48 - ' Cabezón: Obras de Música ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)] , Enrico Baiano (Symphonia)
    49 - ' Cabezon: Suavidad y extraneza ' : [bewerking: Antonio de Cabezon] , Andrés Cea (Lindoro)
    50 - ' Caesar Vive! - Prague 1609 (Music for Emperor Rudolf II) ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Fraternitas Litteratorum, Martin Horyna (Supraphon)
    51 - ' Cantar bastardo ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Marco Scavazza, Christiano Contadin (E Lucevan le Stelle Records)
    52 - ' Canzonetta, 16c. Canzoni and Instrumental Dances - Italian Renaissance Dances ' : [arrangement for soprano and luth (Douglass: Divisions after 16c. Models (violin solo))] , The King's Noyse, David Douglas (Harmonia Mundi USA)
    53 - ' Canzoni e Madrigali Passaggiati ' : [Bewerking van Richardo Rogniono] , Eva Godard, Arnaud Van de Cauter (Hybrid'music)
    54 - ' Capilla Antiqua München : Madrigaux italiens anciens , Capella Antiqua, München, Konrad Ruhland (RCA)
    55 - ' Cavalieri imperiali ' : [(bewerking Riccardo Rognoni)] , Sigismondo D' India, Antonio de Cabezón (Ricercar)
    56 - ' Chansons de la Renaissance ' : [Original edition on CD : Cipriano de Rore : Le Vergine (Hilliard Ensemble)] , Huelgas Ensemble, The Hilliard Ensemble (Harmonia Mundi)
    57 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [bass bassoon, organ] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    58 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [discant bassoon, alt bassoon, tenor bassoon, bass bassoon] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    59 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [Harp (Antonio de Cabazon)] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    60 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [orgel (Andrea Gav-brieli / Bernard Schmidt)] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    61 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [recorder in g, bass viol, lute, organ] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    62 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [soprano, counter-tenor, tenor, bass, violine, 2 bass viols, archlute] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    63 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Ancor che col partire ' : [Violine, harp, therbo, organ (Giovanni Battista Bovicelli)] , Cappella Mediterranea, Choeur de Chambre de Namur, Doulce Mémoire, Vox Luminis, Clematis, L'Achéron, Bernard Foccroulle, Jean Tubéry, Juliette Perret, Paulin Bündgen, Jérémie Papasergio, Marie Bournisien, Quito Gato, Miguel Henry, Lionel Desmeules (Ricercar)
    64 - ' Cipriano de Rore : Le Vergine (Hilliard Ensemble) , The Hilliard Ensemble (Harmonia Mundi)
    65 - ' Codex Tarasconi diminuito ' : [Bewerking: Ercole Pasquini] , I Fedeli (Passacaille)
    66 - ' Colección de Música Antigua Española /Obras completas de Antonio de Cabezón, vol. 10 ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)] , Antonio Baciero (Hispavox)
    67 - ' Con gratia, et maniera ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , Galatea, Paul Beier (Stradivarius)
    68 - ' Deller's Choice - A Concert of Music both Rare and Rewarding ' : [Arrangement: Alfonso d'Avalos, Marquis del Vasto (t); Bovicello (voca line orn.) - edited by Regole, Passagi di Musica, Madrigali e Motetti Paseggiati, 1594] , Alfred Deller, Gustav Leonhardt, Marie Leonhardt, Robert Scheiwein (Vanguard Classics)
    69 - ' Der Tag der ist so freudenreich ' : [Arrangement: Giovan Battista Bovicelli, with a new text Angelus ad pastores, but here only instrumental] , Susato-Ensemble (KlangRäume Musikproduktion)
    70 - ' Diminutions and Ostinati ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Saskia Coolen, Rainer Zipperling, Patrick Ayrton (Globe)
    71 - ' Diminutions and Ostinati ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rogniono] , Saskia Coolen, Rainer Zipperling, Patrick Ayrton (Globe)
    72 - ' Diminutions and Ostinati ' : [Arrangement: Saskia Coolen after models of Sylvestro Ganassi] , Saskia Coolen, Rainer Zipperling, Patrick Ayrton (Globe)
    73 - ' Dolce desio , Le Nuove Musiche (Auris Nova)
    74 - ' Dolce desio ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rognioni] , Le Nuove Musiche (Auris Nova)
    75 - ' Dolcesuono: Sonate e Madrigali diminuiti per fagotto chorista e basso continuo nelle stampe veneziane del XVI e XVII secolo , Ensemble a due bassi (Nalesso Records)
    76 - ' Dolcesuono: Sonate e Madrigali diminuiti per fagotto chorista e basso continuo nelle stampe veneziane del XVI e XVII secolo ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Ensemble a due bassi (Nalesso Records)
    77 - ' Dorothee Oberlinger : Flauto Veneziano , Dorothée Oberlinger (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi / Sony Music)
    78 - ' Doulce Mémoire , Margaret Little, Sylvain Bergeron (Atma Classique)
    79 - ' Du mignard luth ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Paolo Paladino] , Pascale Boquet (Société Française de Luth)
    80 - ' Dutch and Italian Music - 17th Century , Marijke Miessen, Glen Wilson (Teknon - Early Masters)
    81 - ' Early Baroque Music... e per Concerto di Viole ' : [Bewerking: Antonio de Cabeçon] , Accademia Strumentale Italiana (Divox Antiqua)
    82 - ' Early Italian Madrigals , Capella Antiqua, München, Konrad Ruhland, e.a. (RCA Victor "Seon")
    83 - ' Early Italian Madrigals ' : [tablature by Andrea Gabrieli] , Capella Antiqua, München, Konrad Ruhland, e.a. (RCA Victor "Seon")
    84 - ' Early Music of the Netherlands, Volume 1: 1400-1600 , Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam, Concerto Palatino, Ensemble Tragicomedia (Emergo Classics)
    85 - ' Early Music of the Netherlands, Volume 1: 1400-1600 ' : [instrumental arrangement : Giovanni Battista Bovicelli (c.1550->1594)] , Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam, Concerto Palatino, Ensemble Tragicomedia (Emergo Classics)
    86 - ' Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach - Harpsichord Works from the Tabulaturbuch (1571) ' : [arrangement for keyboard] , Glen Wilson (Naxos)
    87 - ' Ercole Pasquini : Works for harpsichord and organ ' : [Arrangement: Ercole Pasquini] , James Johnstone (Gaudeamus)
    88 - ' Estro Venetiano , Anthonello (Livenotes)
    89 - ' Estro Venetiano ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Anthonello (Livenotes)
    90 - ' Estro Venetiano ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognoni] , Anthonello (Livenotes)
    91 - ' Estro Venetiano ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognoni] , Anthonello (Livenotes)
    92 - ' Flute Music of the 16th & 17th Centuries ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono (Passaggi per potersi essercitare Venice, 1592)] , Nancy Hadden, Rachel Beckett, Lisa Beznosiuk, Janet See, Colin Tilney, Andrew Lawrence-King, Erin Headley (Hyperion (Helios))
    93 - ' Forbidden Dance ' : [diminutions : Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558 – 1617?)] , Ensemble for the Seicento (Musicians Showcase)
    94 - ' Forbidden Dance ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli (c.1550->1594)] , Ensemble for the Seicento (Musicians Showcase)
    95 - ' Forgotten Virtuosi ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Jonathan Talbott, _Meerdere Artiesten (Aliud Records)
    96 - ' Francesco & Riccardo Rognoni - Selva de Varij Passaggi 1620 ' : [version 1 for violon, viola da gamba (basse) and continuo (arrangement : Riccardo Rognoni)] , Ensemble d' Allegrezza, Nanneke Schaap (Symphonia)
    97 - ' Francesco & Riccardo Rognoni - Selva de Varij Passaggi 1620 ' : [version 2 for 4 voices and viola bastarda (arrangement : Riccardo Rognoni)] , Ensemble d' Allegrezza, Nanneke Schaap (Symphonia)
    98 - ' Frescobaldi - Bassano - Gabrieli - Fiati Virtuosi ' : [-] , Suzanne Deserres, Natalie Michaud, Geneviève Soly, Alain Trudel (Analekta (Fleurs de Lys))
    99 - ' Frescobaldi - Bassano - Gabrieli - Fiati Virtuosi ' : [-] , Suzanne Deserres, Natalie Michaud, Geneviève Soly, Alain Trudel (Analekta (Fleurs de Lys))
    100 - ' Futuro antico V , Ensemble Scintille di Musica, Angelo Branduardi, Francesca Torelli (Trecolori Media)
    101 - ' Gabrieli: Complete Keyboard Music (6 CD) ' : [bewerking: Andrea Gabrieli] , Roberto Loreggian, Schola Gregoriana 'Scriptoria', Don Nicola Bellinazo (Brillant Classics)
    102 - ' Giocattoli di Musica Barocca ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognoni] , Musica Concertiva (Supraphon)
    103 - ' Giovanni Bassano: Amor Sacro - Amor Profano ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Capricornus Ensemble Stuttgart, Henning Wiegräbe, Monika Mauch (Coviello Classics)
    104 - ' Giovanni Bassano: Amor Sacro - Amor Profano ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Capricornus Ensemble Stuttgart, Henning Wiegräbe, Monika Mauch (Coviello Classics)
    105 - ' Giovanni Bassano: Mottetti, Madrigali et Canzoni francese ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558 – 1617?)] , Musica Figurata, Stefano Lorenzetti (Tactus)
    106 - ' Giovanni Bassano: Ricercare per strumenti ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , La Guilde des Mercenaires, Adrien Mabire (L'Encelade)
    107 - ' Giovanni Felice Sanches - Arie e Duetti ' : [Arrangement: Ricardo Rogniono] , Le Nuove Musiche (Stradivarius)
    108 - ' Giovanni Gastoldi - Cipriano de Rore , Ursula Connors, Shirley Minty, Edgar Fleet, Nigel Rogers, John Frost, Denis Stevens (Accademia Monteverdiana)
    109 - ' Giovanni Gastoldi and Cipriano de Rore: Secular Vocal Music , Les Ménéstrels Savoyards, Michel Dubois (Musical Heritage Society)
    110 - ' Giovanni Paolo Paladino: Premier Livre de Tablature de Luth ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Paolo Paladino] , John Medeiros (16th Century Records)
    111 - ' Girolamo dalla Casa: Il vero modo di diminuir ' : [Arrangement: Girolama dalla Casa] , Ensemble Ars Cantus, Lapo Bramanti, Stefano Lorenzetti (Florentia Musicae)
    112 - ' Hille Perl - Doulce Mémoire - Glosas, Passeggiati, & Diminutions around 1600 ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Hille Perl, Robert Sagasser, Martina Rothbauer, Paulina van Laarhoven, Matthias Müller, Andrew Lawrence-King, Lee Santana (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi)
    113 - ' Hortus voluptatis - Chansons pour orgue de la Renaissance ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezon] , Juliette Grellety-Bosviel (Hortus)
    114 - ' Hortus voluptatis - Chansons pour orgue de la Renaissance ' : [Arrangement: Nicolas de la Grotte] , Juliette Grellety-Bosviel (Hortus)
    115 - ' I Fiammingi in Italia - Italian madrigals by flemish composers ' : [-] , The Song Compay, Roland Peelman, Tommie Andersson (ABC Classics)
    116 - ' I grandi liutisti Milanesi del Cinquecento ' : [Arrangement: Giovan Paolo Paladino] , Joachim Held (Symphonia)
    117 - ' I mercanti di Venezi ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Bande Montréal Baroque, Eric Milnes (Atma)
    118 - ' Iean Paule Paladin: Tablature de luth ' : [Arrangement: Paladin] , Eugène Ferré (Arcana)
    119 - ' Il Cavaliere del liuto ' : [Arrangement: Laurencinus Romanus] , Paul Beier (Stradivarius Dulcimer)
    120 - ' Il Cornetto ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rogniono] , Jeremy West, Adina Scheyhing, Jürgen Hübscher, Alfred Gross (Edition Open Window)
    121 - ' Il divino Cipriano De Rore , Véronique Bourin, Leonardo Loredo de Sá, Ensemble Il Ballo, Anne Dumont (Edition Hortus)
    122 - ' Il Giardina Armonico : Viaggio Musicale - Musica Italiana dei Seicento ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Il Giardino Armonico (Teldec)
    123 - ' Il Giardino Armonico ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Il Giardino Armonico (BFF and RM Associates)
    124 - ' Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux ' : [bew. van Riccardo Rognoni] , La Palatine (Ambronay)
    125 - ' Il Rinascimento Italiano , Capella Antiqua, München, Konrad Ruhland, Verschillende uitvoeders (Pro Arte)
    126 - ' Imaginario: de un libro de musica de vihuela , Armonia Concertada, Maria Cristina Kiehr, Ariel Abramovich, Jacob Heringman, John Potter (Arcana)
    127 - ' Imaginario: de un libro de musica de vihuela ' : [Be-werking] , Armonia Concertada, Maria Cristina Kiehr, Ariel Abramovich, Jacob Heringman, John Potter (Arcana)
    128 - ' Io canterei d'amor ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Quartetto con Affetto (Animato)
    129 - ' Io canterei d'amor ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , Quartetto con Affetto (Animato)
    130 - ' Io Canterei d'Amor - Chansons e Madrigali da Sonare ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Labyrintho, Concerto di Viole (Harmonia Mundi)
    131 - ' Italia: Bellissimo Seicento ! ' : [Bewerking: Ercole Pasquini] , Manfredo Kraemer, Michael McCraw, Elisabeth Wright, Dolores Costoyas (
    132 - ' Italian Baroque recorder music ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , Musica Concertiva (Supraphon)
    133 - ' Italian Music for Virtuosi: Berardi, Uccelini, Merula , La Dada (Globe)
    134 - ' Italian Renaissance : O Dolce Vita Mia ' : [-] , Roberta Invernizzi, Academia Strumentale Italiana, Alberto Rasi (Stradivarius)
    135 - ' Jean de Castro: Polyphony in a European perspective ' : [Arrangement: Jean de Castro] , Capilla Flamenca, More Maiorum, Piffaro, Trigon-Project, Wim Diepenhorst, Bart Demuyt (Passacaille)
    136 - ' Jean de Castro: Polyphony in a European perspective ' : [Arrangement: Jean de Castro (played on cembalo)] , Capilla Flamenca, More Maiorum, Piffaro, Trigon-Project, Wim Diepenhorst, Bart Demuyt (Passacaille)
    137 - ' Jeremias Schwarzer - Trio Diritto ' : [Arrangement: Jeremias Schwarzer] , Jeremias Schwarzer, Trio Diritto (Moeck Verlag)
    138 - ' Kaltgepresst , Ensemble Mikado (Ostblock Rekords)
    139 - ' La Barca d'Amore ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognoni Taeggio] , Le Concert Brisé, Carsten Lohff, William Dongois (Carpe Diem)
    140 - ' La Bella Minuta, Florid Songs for Cornetto around 1600 , Bruce Dickey, Liuwe Tamminga (Passacaille)
    141 - ' La Giorgina ' : [Arrangement: Giovan Battista Bovicelli, with a new text Angelus ad pastores, but here only instrumental] , Hans-Jakob Bollinger, Christiane Lux (Swiss Pan)
    142 - ' La Golferamma: Musica Italiana 1600-1650 ' : [Uitgevoerd op klavecimbel] , Le Concert Brisé, William Dongois, Carsten Lohff (Accent)
    143 - ' La Magdalena - Lute music in Renaissance France ' : [Arangement: Jean Paul Paladin] , Christopher Wilson (Vergin Veritas)
    144 - ' La Mantovana - Italian Airs and Dances of the Early Baroque , The London Early Music Group, James Tyler (RCA)
    145 - ' La Milanoyse ' : [bewerking: Giovanni Paolo Paladino] , Charles-Edouard Fantin (Société Française de Luth)
    146 - ' La Musique Profane à Vénise au temps de Véronese , Ensemble Les Cours Européennes, Gaël de Kerret, Ensemble Les Violes Renaissance, Jonathan Dunfold (SVO Art)
    147 - ' La Pellegrina - Intermedii 1589 (2 CD's) (Capriccio Stravagante) ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Capriccio Stravagante Renaissance Orchestra, Skip Sempé, Collegium Vocale Gent (Paradizo)
    148 - ' La Renaissance flamande , Walter Weyler, Koor en Ensemble Oude Instrumenten van de 'Halewijnstichting' (Antwerpen) (Harmonia Mundi)
    149 - ' La Spiritata - Blockflötenklänge aus vier Jahrhunderten ' : [arrangement for ensemble derecorders by ?] , Flautando Köln (Ars Musici)
    150 - ' La Sprezzatura ' : [bew. van Riccardo Rognoni] , Emi Nakajima, Hayao Soneda (OMF)
    151 - ' La voce nel violino ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rognono] , Imaginarium, Enrico Onofri (Zig Zag Territoires)
    152 - ' L'age d'or du cornet à bouquin (3 cd's) ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , Le Concert Brisé, William Dongois (K 16)
    153 - ' L'Art de la Viola Bastarda - The Art of the Viola Bastarda , Katelijne Van Laethem, Sophie Watillon, Frank Liegeois, Piet Stryckers, Detmar Leertouwer, Hannelore Devaere, Shizuko Noiri, Herman Stinders (Ligia Digital)
    154 - ' L'arte del Madrigale - Canzoni di corte e canzoni popolari , I Madrigalista di Genova, Leopoldo Gamberimi (Fondazione de Ferrari)
    155 - ' Lascivious sounds and other amorous things . . . ' : [Arrangement: Giovan Battista Bovicelli, with a new text Angelus ad pastores, but here only instrumental] , Ensemble Braccio (Fortinbras Records)
    156 - ' Lascivious sounds and other amorous things . . . ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Ensemble Braccio (Fortinbras Records)
    157 - ' Le lagrime di Eros ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Accademia del Piacere, Fahmi Alqhai (Alqhai & Alqhai)
    158 - ' Le Serpent imaginaire ' : [Bewerking: Bassano] , Volny Hostiou, François Ménissier, Ensemble Les Meslanges, Thomas Van Essen (Hybrid'music)
    159 - ' Le voci del Rinascimento: sacred and profane vocal music , Hesperimenta Vocal Ensemble (Max Research)
    160 - ' Lectio profana , Coro Città di Desio, Enrico Balestreri (Eigen beheer)
    161 - ' Luca Marenzio, Madrigals (Qvinta Essençia) , Qvinta Essençia (La mà de guido)
    162 - ' Lute music from the Netherlands ' : [Arrangement: Emanuel Adriaenssen] , Toyohiko Satoh (NM Classics)
    163 - ' Madame d'amours ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognoni] , The Attaignant Consort, Kate Clark (Ramée)
    164 - ' Madrigal Masterpieces Vol.2 , The Deller Consort, Alfred Deller (Vanguard Classics)
    165 - ' Madrigali A Due Voci ' : [Bewerking: Ricardo Rognioni] , Agnès Mellon, Dominique Visse, Ensemble Barcarole (Zig Zag Territoires)
    166 - ' Madrigali diminuiti e passaggiati tra voce e cembalo ' : [Arrangement: ?] , Silvia Rambaldi, Tadashi Miroku (Tactus)
    167 - ' Madrigali diminuiti e passaggiati tra voce e cembalo ' : [Arrangement: Ercole Pasquini] , Silvia Rambaldi, Tadashi Miroku (Tactus)
    168 - ' Media Vita - Intabolatura di balli (2 CD's) ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Luca Scandali (ORF)
    169 - ' Melchior Neusidler: Lute music ' : [Arrangement: Melchior Neusidler] , Paul O'Dette (Harmonia Mundi)
    170 - ' Melchior Neusidler: Lute music ' : [Arrangement: Melchior Neusidler as Fantasia super Ancor che col partire] , Paul O'Dette (Harmonia Mundi)
    171 - ' Michelangelo - Madrigaux sur des Poèmes de Michelange , The Deller Consort (Harmonia Mundi)
    172 - ' Mirror of voices ' : [Arrangement: Emanuel Adriaenssen] , Evelyne Dasnoy, André Vandebosch, Cathérine Parmentier (Koch Discover International)
    173 - ' Mirth and melancholy , Tactus (-)
    174 - ' Mit aller Freiheit : Tage alter Musik in Herne 2003 ' : [sung in its original version followed by an instrumental version with improvisations by the musicians] , Labyrintho, Concerto di Viole, Paolo Pandolfo, Laura Polimeno (Stadt Herne)
    175 - ' More Hispano : Glosas , More Hispano, Vicente Parrilla (Carpe Diem)
    176 - ' Music at the meeting of two world ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Cantores Vagantes (Eigen beheer)
    177 - ' Musica al tempo del Guido Reni ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognono] , Ensemble Aurora, Enrico Gatti (Tactus)
    178 - ' Musica Ferdinandea. Ein Fest für Kaiser Ferdinand I , Capella della Torre, Katharina Baüml (Musik Museum)
    179 - ' Musiche Veneziane per voce e strumenti ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , Teresa Berganza, _Meerdere Artiesten (Claves)
    180 - ' Musick Fyne plays music from the Italian Baroque ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Musick Fyne (EBS Records)
    181 - ' Musik der Renaissance für Flöte und Laute ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa (1584)] , Janette Flöel, Christian Zimmermann (Antes Edition)
    182 - ' Musique pour flûte des 16e et 17e siècles ' : [Arrangement: Orazio Bassani (1550-1609)] , Nancy Hadden, Erin Headley, Andrew Lawrence-King, Colin Tilney (Hyperion (Helios))
    183 - ' O Bene Mio , Roeselaars Kamerkoor, Hans Van Daele (Eigen beheer)
    184 - ' O Bene Mio ' : [diminutions : Girolamo dalla Casa] , Roeselaars Kamerkoor, Hans Van Daele (Eigen beheer)
    185 - ' O vos amici mei carissimi ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Instrumenta Musica, Ercole Nisini (Ramée)
    186 - ' Orazio Vecchi: L'amfiparnaso ' : [Version with comical text Ancor ch'al parturire] , I Fagiolini, Robert Hollingworth, Simon Callow (Chaconne)
    187 - ' Orazio Vecchi: L'Amfiparnaso (Cappella Musicale di Petronio di Bologna) ' : [Version with comical text Ancor ch'al parturire] , Cappella Musicale di Petronio di Bologna, Sergio Vartolo (Naxos)
    188 - ' Orazio Vecchi: L'Amfiparnaso (Ensemble Clément Janequin) ' : [Version with comical text Ancor ch'al parturire] , Dominique Visse, Ensemble Clément Janequin (Harmonia Mundi)
    189 - ' Orazio Vecchi: L'Amfiparnaso (Societa Cameristica di Lugano) ' : [Version with comical text Ancor ch'al parturire] , Societa Cameristica di Lugano, Edwin Loehner (Accord)
    190 - ' Orazio Vecchi: L'Amfiparnaso (The Tudor Singers) ' : [version with comical text of Ancor ch'al parturire] , The Tudor Singers, William J. Ballard (Alliance Publications)
    191 - ' Orazio Vecchi: L'amfiparnaso, comedia harmonica ' : [Arrangement with funny text Ancor ch'al parturire] , The Deller Consort, Collegium Aureum, Alfred Deller (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi)
    192 - ' Organ Masses - Volume I (3 cd's) ' : [Bewerking: Andrea Gabrieli] , Richard Lester (Nimbus Records)
    193 - ' Ori Harmelin - Neshima ' : [Bewerking: Ori Harmelin] , Ori Harmelin (Passacaille)
    194 - ' Pandora's box ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi
    , original edition on CD : La Pellegrina - Intermedii 1589] , Capriccio Stravagante, Skip Sempé (Paradizo)
    195 - ' Passaggi ' : [Bewerking: Riccardo Rognoni] , Vincent Lauzer (Atma Classique)
    196 - ' Pourquoy, doux rossignol ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezon] , Rent a Nightingale (Scala Records)
    197 - ' Pourquoy, doux rossignol ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rogniono] , Rent a Nightingale (Scala Records)
    198 - ' Presentación Rios: Organo , Presentación Rios (RNE)
    199 - ' Quel lascivissimo cornetto. . . ' : [Arrangement: Giovan Battista Bovicelli, with a new text Angelus ad pastores, but here only instrumental] , Ensemble Tragicomedia, Bruce Dickey (Accent)
    200 - ' Quinta vox. Madrigale des 16. Jahrhunderts mit selbstgemachten Diminutionen ' : [Bewerking van Miko Ito en Martin Ehrhardt] , Miko Ito, Martin Ehrhardt (Tirando)
    201 - ' Renaissance - Chants , Ensemble Vocal Philippe Caillard, Berry Hayward Consort (BNL)
    202 - ' Renaissance Love Songs ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli (c.1550->1594)] , Catherine Bott, Virelai (BBC Music Magazine)
    203 - ' Renaissance Love Songs ' : [Arrangement: Rognoni] , Catherine Bott, Virelai (BBC Music Magazine)
    204 - ' Renaissance Lute Music: Lorenzino del Liuto ' : [arrangement for luth] , Marco Pesci (Naxos)
    205 - ' Rinascimento , Hesperimenta Vocal Ensemble (Max Research)
    206 - ' Royal Academy of Arts: The Genius Of Rome ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi
    , original edition on CD : Viaggio Musicale : Musica Italiana dei Seicento] , Il Giardino Armonico (Erato)
    207 - ' Sacred Garland ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli with new text 'Angelus ad pastores'] , The Gonzaga Band (Chandos Chaconne)
    208 - ' Santiago ! - Europa SS. XV-XVI ' : [arrangement for voice and luth] , Resonet (Clave Records Boanerges)
    209 - ' Secular Vocal Music of the Renaissance , Ambrosian Singers, Denis Stevens (Dover Publications / Hayward Recording)
    210 - ' Soledad sonora: Musique pour clavier du Siècle d'or espagnol ' : [bew. van Antonio de Cabezon] , Jesus Noguera Guillén (Initiale)
    211 - ' Sonate Canzoni e Madrigali Diminuiti - Italie c.1600 ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Ensemble Continuum (Syrius)
    212 - ' Sonate Canzoni e Madrigali Diminuiti - Italie c.1600 ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , Ensemble Continuum (Syrius)
    213 - ' Sonate Canzoni e Madrigali Diminuiti - Italie c.1600 ' : [cembalo, with improvisations by the performer] , Ensemble Continuum (Syrius)
    214 - ' Sprezzatura ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rognono] , Ensemble Tragicomedia (EMI Reflexe)
    215 - ' Surprise: Airs Baroques ' : [with improvisations by Marco Beasley] , Accordone (ORF)
    216 - ' Susanne un jour (La Villanella Basel) , La Villanella Basel (Aeolus)
    217 - ' Susanne un jour (La Villanella Basel) ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , La Villanella Basel (Aeolus)
    218 - ' Susanne un jour (La Villanella Basel) ' : [Bewerking: Girolamo dalla Casa] , La Villanella Basel (Aeolus)
    219 - ' Suzuki Recorder School Volume 7 & 8 , Marion Verbruggen, Mary Springfels, Arthur Haas (Alfred Music Publishing)
    220 - ' Suzuki Recorder School Volume 7 & 8 ' : [Bewerking: Giovanni Bassano] , Marion Verbruggen, Mary Springfels, Arthur Haas (Alfred Music Publishing)
    221 - ' Tage alter Musik in Herne 1997 : Musikalische Wanderungen ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Fretwork (Stadt Herne)
    222 - ' Talking about Barbara , Laila Salome Fischer, Magnus Mehl, Il Giratempo (Perfect Noise)
    223 - ' Tempesta di passaggi: Solo music for cornetto ' : [(bewerking van Riccardo Rognoni)] , I Cavalieri del Cornetto, Andrea Inghisciano, Maria Gonzalez (Arcana)
    224 - ' The Art Of Ornamentation In Early Music ' : [version with ornaments in the baroque style] , The Deller Consort (Vanguard Classics)
    225 - ' The Art Of Ornamentation In Early Music ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , The Deller Consort (Vanguard Classics)
    226 - ' The Art of the Recorder ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558 – 1617?)] , Marion Verbrugge, Sonnerie Trio (Gaudeamus)
    227 - ' The Art of the Recorder : cd 1: Frais et Gaillard, The 17th century technique of diminution ' : [arrangement for flute and harpsichord by Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Pieter-Jan Belder, Menno van Delft (Brillant Classics)
    228 - ' The Art of Viola Bastarda ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono in: Passaggi per potersi essercitare Venice, 1592] , Nancy Hadden (Hyperion (Helios))
    229 - ' The Beauty of Nothingness , Norwegian Cornett & Sackbuts (Grong Musikkproduksjon)
    230 - ' The contest of Apollo and Pan ' : [Arrangement for organ, followed by other arrangements by Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Apollo & Pan (Chandos Chaconne)
    231 - ' The Dowland Project - Care-charming Sleep ' : [version 1] , John Potter, John Surman, Maya Homburger, Barry Guy, The Dowland Project (ECM New Series)
    232 - ' The Dowland Project - Care-charming Sleep ' : [version 2 (arrangement : Richardo Rogniono (ca. 1550 - 1620))] , John Potter, John Surman, Maya Homburger, Barry Guy, The Dowland Project (ECM New Series) (listen MP3, 30sec. )
    233 - ' The Hilliard Ensemble : English and Italian Renaissance Madrigals , The Hilliard Ensemble (Veritas)
    234 - ' The Italian Dramatic Lament ' : [variations by Riccardo Rognoni] , Becky Baxter, Michael Leopold, Catherine Webster, Annalisa Pappano, Catacoustic Consort (Naxos)
    235 - ' The Spirit of Gambo and friends : Italian and Spanish music from the 16th and 17th century , The Spirit of Gambo and Friends (Syncoop Produkties)
    236 - ' The Spirit of Gambo and friends : Italian and Spanish music from the 16th and 17th century ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , The Spirit of Gambo and Friends (Syncoop Produkties)
    237 - ' The Spirit of Gambo and friends : Italian and Spanish music from the 16th and 17th century ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rognioni] , The Spirit of Gambo and Friends (Syncoop Produkties)
    238 - ' The Spirit of Venice ' : [Arrangement: Andrea Gabrieli] , Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam (Globe)
    239 - ' The Spirit of Venice ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam (Globe)
    240 - ' Theatralisch inspirierte Musik aus England und Italien ' : [Arrangement: Catrin Meyer-Janson] , Tre Modi (Eigen beheer)
    241 - ' Tientos Y Glosas en Iberia - Aux XVI° et XVII° Siecles , Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard, Jesus Martin Moro (Empreintes Digitales)
    242 - ' Tientos Y Glosas en Iberia - Aux XVI° et XVII° Siecles ' : [arrangement for organ] , Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard, Jesus Martin Moro (Empreintes Digitales)
    243 - ' Titian - Music & Art - Venice and the Music of Love , Concordia, Marc Levy (Metronome)
    244 - ' Titian - Music & Art - Venice and the Music of Love ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano (c. 1558 – 1617?)] , Concordia, Marc Levy (Metronome)
    245 - ' Titian - Music & Art - Venice and the Music of Love ' : [Arrangement: R. Rognione] , Concordia, Marc Levy (Metronome)
    246 - ' Treasury of a Saint ' : [Arrangement: Giovan Battista Bovicelli, with a new text Angelus ad pastores, but here only instrumental] , Caecilia-Concert (Channel Classics)
    247 - ' Trombones and more Vol. 1 , Harry Ries, Fred Detz, Werner Kloubert, Michael Junghans, Tjeu Zeijen, Peter Kokkelmans, Henk Mennens (EMGE)
    248 - ' Un viaje a Napoles ' : [Bew.erking: Antonio de Cabezon] , Sara Agueda (Enchiriadis)
    249 - ' Une Histoire de la Musique Baroque: La Voie Profane (5 CD's) - CD1: Le Madrigal , _Meerdere Artiesten, The Hilliard Ensemble, Ensemble Jachet de Mantoue, Concerto Vocale, Les Arts Florisants, Ensemble Clément Janequin, The King's Musick, The Deller Consort, Collegium Vocale, La Chapelle Royale, Cappella Coloniensis (Harmonia Mundi)
    250 - ' Unterwegs ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , CordArte (Musicom)
    251 - ' Va, donna ingrata ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Spadi] , Ensemble La Primavera, Johannette Zomer, Robert Expert (ZigZag)
    252 - ' Vergine Bella - Madrigali da sonar , Arianne Savall, Il Desiderio, Thomas Kügler (Aeolus)
    253 - ' Vergine Bella - Madrigali da sonar ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , Arianne Savall, Il Desiderio, Thomas Kügler (Aeolus)
    254 - ' Vergine Bella - Madrigali da sonar ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Arianne Savall, Il Desiderio, Thomas Kügler (Aeolus)
    255 - ' Vergine Bella - Madrigali da sonar ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono (vocaa)] , Arianne Savall, Il Desiderio, Thomas Kügler (Aeolus)
    256 - ' VESTIVA - Lux Musicae London ' : [Bewerking van Mirjam-Luise Münzel] , Lux Musicae London (First Hand Records (FHR))
    257 - ' Vincenzo Galilei: Fronimo ' : [Arrangement: Vincenzo Galilei] , Andrea Damiani (Stradivarius Dulcimer)
    258 - ' Viola Bastarda - Roberto Gini ' : [Arrangement: Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)] , Roberto Gini, Mara Galassi, Giovanni Togni, Il Concerto delle Viole (Olive Music)
    259 - ' Viola Bastarda - Roberto Gini ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , Roberto Gini, Mara Galassi, Giovanni Togni, Il Concerto delle Viole (Olive Music)
    260 - ' Viola Bastarda - Roberto Gini ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Roberto Gini, Mara Galassi, Giovanni Togni, Il Concerto delle Viole (Olive Music)
    261 - ' Viola Bastarda - Roberto Gini ' : [Arrangement: Richardo Rogniono] , Roberto Gini, Mara Galassi, Giovanni Togni, Il Concerto delle Viole (Olive Music)
    262 - ' Virtuoso chamber music from the 16th century ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi)
    263 - ' Virtuoso chamber music from the 16th century ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli (with new text Angelus ad pastores)] , Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi)
    264 - ' Voice and Lute in Venice in the 16th Century , Guiseppe Zambon, Massimo Lonardi (Edelweis)
    265 - ' Voix du Moyen-Âge , The Hilliard Ensemble (Harmonia Mundi)
    266 - ' Wege zum Barock , Profeti della Quinta, Thélème, Il Zabione musicale, David Munderloh, Julian Behr (Cantando)
    267 - ' Willaert e La Scuola Fiamminga a San Marco , Cappella Marciana, Marco Gemmani, La Pifarescha (Concerto)
    268 - ' Wordplay ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Bassano] , Musica Antiqua of London, Philip Thorby (Signum Record)
    269 - ' Wordplay ' : [Arrangement: Giovanni Battista Bovicelli] , Musica Antiqua of London, Philip Thorby (Signum Record)
    270 - ' Wordplay ' : [Arrangement: Girolamo dalla Casa] , Musica Antiqua of London, Philip Thorby (Signum Record)
    271 - ' Wordplay ' : [Arrangement: Riccardo Rogniono] , Musica Antiqua of London, Philip Thorby (Signum Record)

    Jr. Radio:

    1 - ' Klara 2010-06-24 : Klara Continuo ' : [(14u58)] (Klara Continuo (Belgium))
    2 - ' Klara 2010-06-25 : Klara Continuo ' : [op luit; (14u58)] (Klara Continuo (Belgium))
    3 - ' Klara 2010-08-31 : Goldberg (Klara (Belgium))

    K. Remarks:

    Parodieën en vroege bewerkingen (bron: Arnold Loose):
    - Philippus De Monte: Missa super Anchor che col partire
    - Balduin Hoyoul: Missa super Anchor che col partire
    - Jachet de Mantua: Missa super Anchor che col partire
    - Orlandus Lassus: Magnificat super Anchor che col partire
    - Andrea Gabrieli: Anchor che col partire (tabulatuur voor klavecimbel naar De Rore)
    - Antonio Gardano: bewerking voor instrumenten
    - Thomas Mancinus: bewerking voor zangers
    - Giovanni Battista Spadi: bewerking voor blokfluit en klavecimbel
    - Vicento Galilei: bewerking voor luit
    - Antonio de Cabezòn: Anchor che col partire: sobre una obra de Rore (bewerking voor klavier)
    - Giovanni Bassano: Anchor che col partire (bewerking voor melodische instrumenten)
    - Riccardo Rogniono (ca. 1550 – 1620) in: Passaggi per potersi essercitare (Venetië, 1592)

    L. References:

    References with citation/remark:

    1 : Grimshaw, Jeremy, Anchor che col partire : Composition Description ()
    in : All Music Guide (, : : Anchor che col partire : 'In defending his transgressive use of dissonance in his madrigals, Monteverdi sought to demonstrate that his works continued a stylistic trajectory already undertaken decades before by Cipriano de Rore, a trajectory in which all compositional rules are subject to one overriding consideration: the vivid portrayal of the text and the emotions conveyed by it. Rore represents a crucial stage in this development of the madrigal, one in which poetic expression begins to be translated musically into finer, more nuanced gestures rather than in broad strokes and more general moods. Rore's works serve as a pivot in this shift from the more stylized, rhetorical approach of Willaert and the earlier Venetian school to the more immediate emotionality of the Seconda Prattica - essentially, from music as read poetry to music as experienced poetry. An examination of Rore's well-known and highly influential four-voice madrigal Anchor che col partire (published in 1547), demonstrates how this tension between delivering and embodying mirrors the similar tension, characteristic of the madrigal tradition, between technique and expression. In fact, the imagery of the madrigal text itself is fraught with this kind of dichotomous stress. The speaker says that whenever he has to leave his love, his sorrow is so poignant that it makes him want to leave continually, in order to continually enjoy the rapture of returning (all of this, of course, euphemistically projecting the eroticism at the heart of the Italian madrigal tradition). This back-and-forth idea finds close corollaries in the music, both in the deployment of the contrapuntal textures as well as the gravitation toward harmonic centers (the word ritorno falling on the first clear cadence). The texture thickens from freely alternating voice pairs to dense, imitative counterpoint as the speaker imagines leaving his love "1,000 times a day," then splits again, this time with voice pairs in shimmering homophony, anticipating the "sweet return." Rore continues the conceit here, however, veering the "return" gesture toward an unexpected and unfulfilling deceptive cadence in order to facilitate the idea being expressed. Thus, the dense counterpoint of "1,000 times a day" passage returns, again leading into the paired duets of the "sweet return" lines. This time the return is final, as all four voices combine in the anticipatory build-up leading to the conclusive closing cadence. Rore thus seeks to embody the immediate, first-hand feelings of the speaker, rather than the indirect experience of the reader.' '

    2 : Owens, Jessie Ann, Cipriano De Rore (The New Grove) (, 2001)
    in : Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, The New -, (NG), Second Edition (published in twenty-nine volumes in the year 2001), Edited by Stanley Sadie, Executive Editor John Tyrell, (2001) : 'His setting of Anchor che co’l partir, on a text traditionally ascribed to Alfonso d’Avalos (but this ascription has been challenged by Haar, 1990), participates in the traditional madrigalian topos of death as sexual release. This madrigal achieved extraordinary popularity.'

    3 : Swigchem, Lineke (Van), Io canterei d'amor si novamente: de madrigalen van Cipriano De Rore (, Doctoraalscriptie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1993)
    - p.131-137 : analyse

    4 : Einstein, Alfred, The Italian Madrigal (vertaald naar het Engels door Alexander H. Krappe, Roger H. Sessions en Oliver Strunk) (Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1949)
    - p.389 : 'When Orazio Vecchi wishes to parody a familiar madrigal in his Amphiparnasso (1579), he chooses Rore's Anchor che col partire.'

    5 : Einstein, Alfred, The Italian Madrigal (vertaald naar het Engels door Alexander H. Krappe, Roger H. Sessions en Oliver Strunk) (Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1949)
    - p.403-404 : 'Anchor che col partire was even reprinted as late as the seventeenth century, and there were dozens of arrangements, paraphrases, and parodies for the lute and other instruments, for example the arrangement for the lute by Vincenzo Galilei (1568). As late as 1612 it was parodied by Gabriello Puliti of Montepulciano in the form of a mascherata for three voices: Ancor ch'al parturire. . . . As an aid to the understanding of the idiom of Rore's four-part madrigals and of the taste of his time, it will perhaps be best to reproduce it here, although through Hawkins and Kiesewetter it again became familiar in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
    However strange it may seem to us, there can be no doubt that the poem contributed also to this unparalleled success; it is the work of Alfonso d'Avalos Marchese del Vasto (1502-1546), a cousin of the famous Pescara and hence a brother-in-law of the equally famous Vittoria Colonna. It is the exact opposite of poetry - an epigram, an argument reduced to the most concise formula, remote from all true feeling but for this very reason accessible and attractive to the taste of the time. Even so, the chief factor was the music. This still recalls the early madrigal in that the voices are led in pairs, two against two, an arrangement which gives way to a more compact texture only in the central section and at the end. This too is essential to success, which comes most readily, not to radical, revolutionary works, but to those that combine the old with the new. The new elements in this madrigal are three: the freedom in the voice-leading, the transparency of the harmonie texture, and above all the freedom of tempo, which cannot be explained as due to a pictorial intention as in the older madrigal, where at the words correre and fuggire the voices may begin to run or fly. This madrigal no longer has a uniform tempo; technically speaking, it is a matter of indifference that the time-signature is C and not . A new freedom of incalculable consequence has been won. The madrigal may now change its tempo in two ways, according to its expressive need. With the sign it may accelerate the tempo, while with the sign C it may retard it. This new freedom will obtain international validity, and by measuring the extent of its use, one may estimate the Italian influence on a French, a German, or an English master. As an example, there is the case of Anthoine de Bertrand of Auvergne, who recalls Rore and his successors in his harmonic boldness also.'

    References without citation:

    6 : Reynolds, Christopher, Alessandro' Striggio's Analysis of Cipriano de Rore's "Ancor che col partire" (, 2017)
    in : Journal of the Alamire Foundation - Volume 9, Number 2, Autumn 2017: Theme: Cipriano De Rore I, 197-2018 (2017)

    7 : Ferand, Ernest. T., Anchor che col partire - Die schicksale eines berühmten Madrigals (, 1962)
    in : Festschrift (für) Karl Gustav Fellerer zum 60. Gebursttag, 1962, pp. 137-154 (1962)

    8 : Meier, Bernardus, Cipriani Rore Opera Omnia, Vol IV : Madrigali 3-8 vocum (American Institute of Musicology (AIM), 1969)
    - p.IV (footnote)

    9 : Feldman, Martha, City Culture and the Madrigal at Venice (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1995) , ISBN: 0-520-08314-8
    - p.372

    10 : François, Anne - Hoof, Els (Van), Collection F. J. Fétis - Catalogus I : Manuscripts (Koninklijke Bibliotheek Brussel , Brussel, 1995)
    - p.352

    11 : Vereertbrugghen, Liersbet - Opstal, Nicole (Van) - Abeele, Hendrik (Vanden), De stilte van de muziek voor Bach (Borgerhoff & Lambrechts, Gent, 2020) , ISBN: 9789463 632448
    - p.275

    12 : Edelmann, Bernd, Komposition als Vexierbild: Das Madrigal Anchor che col partire von Cipriano de Rore (, 1999)
    in : Edelmann, Bernd - Kurth, Sabine : Festschrift Reinhold und Roswitha Schlötterer zum 70. Geburtstag, 39-46 (1999)

    13 : Schick, Hartmut, Musikalische Einheit im Madrigal von Rore bis Monteverdi (Verlegt bei Hans Schneider, Tutzing, 1998) , ISBN: 3_7952-0926-9
    - p.42f.

    14 : Lockwood, Lewis, Text and Music in Rore's Madrigal 'Anchor Che Col Partire" (, 1992)
    in : Musical Humanism and its Legacy - Essays in Honor of Claude V. Palisca (Festschrift Series No. 11), p. 243–51 (1991)

    15 : Roche, Jerome, The Madrigal (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1990) , ISBN: 0-19-313131-5
    - p.30, 37, 57

    16 : Haar, James, The Science and Art of Renaissance Music (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1998) , ISBN: 0-691-02874-5
    - p.245

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